Team members


Marko Milojković, project manager, trainer/teacher

PhD, Associate Professor, Marko Milojković obtained his academic degrees at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš: BSc in 2003, MSc in 2008, and PhD in 2012. Presently he is employed as Associate Professor at the University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Control Systems. He is also head of Laboratory for modelling, simulation and control systems. During his academic career, he was teaching over fifteen different academic courses on all three study levels. He is author and co-author of more than 100 scientific papers in refereed journals and at international/national conferences. He is also Editor-in-Chief in international journal Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics and member of organization committee of SAUM international conference. His research interests include modelling and simulation of dynamical systems, orthogonal functions, artificial intelligence, neural networks, machine learning, and intelligent control. As a coordinator or a team member, he participated in more than twenty domestic and international projects financed by European funds (FP7, IPA, Tempus, Erasmus+).


Vojislav Miltenović, trainer/teacher

PhD, Full Professor, Current position: Chief of the Smart office 1 of the Innovation Center of the University in Nis (ICUN). Previous position: Head of installation of Factory of plasificated iron plates in metal industry “Lemind” Leskovac; Full Professor of Faculty of mechanical engineering, Niš; Visiting Professor of Fachhochschule Wilhelmshaven - FR Germany; Head of the Department for mechanical constructions, development and engineering; Visiting Professor of Faculty of mechanical engineering, East Sarajevo; President of Association for Design, Elements and Constructions. Member of IFToMM Technical Committee for Gearing and Transmissions. Main areas of scientific research: machine elements, machine design, product design and development, innovations and innovative construction solutions, smart products and services engineering. Research experience: Participant or manager of 20 scientific projects of national importance and 30 expert projects; Coordinator 3 international projects; Coordinator Tempus project IPROD (530577 – 2012 – RS – TEMPUS – JPCR). The author of 14 university books. Publications: Number of publications: 170. Mentor: 5 doctoral and 11 magister theses. Review: 28 books and 132 scientific and professional papers.


Dragan Antić, trainer/teacher

PhD, Full Professor at the University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering. He obtained his academic degrees at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš: BSc in 1987, MSc in 1991, and PhD in 1994. Presently he is employed as a Full Professor at the University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Control Systems. He is also the Rector of the University of Niš. He taught over fifteen different academic courses on BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees during his academic career. He wrote more than 180 scientific papers for journals and conferences, mainly in his areas of interest: modelling of dynamical systems, orthogonal polynomials, sliding mode control, intelligent control, etc. He is also a member of several professional organizations and an editor or a reviewer in fourteen international journals. He was engaged as a reviewer for many well-known international scientific journals with IMPACT factor and Editor in chief of international scientific journal Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics. As a coordinator and a team member, he participated in numerous domestic and international projects mainly financed by European funds (E-VIVA, BEOPEN, IF4TM, NORBAS, ADRIA-HUB, etc.).


Zoran Nikolić, trainer/teacher

PhD, Full Professor at the University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Microelectronics. Since 2016, he is Adviser to the Rector of the University of Niš. As a Vice-Rector for Quality Assurance at the University of Niš, he is responsible for quality assurance and quality enhancement at all three cycles of academic studies. The main and most important task of him is also emphasizing quality of education and research as integrative processes which will connect the University and its faculties. He has 40 years of experience in teaching and research experience in Mathematical Modelling and Simulation, Quality Management, Statistical Quality Control and Reliability, Databases and Information Systems. More than 300 papers in scientific journals, about 100 authored or co-authored presentations at scientific conferences, more than 30 invited lectures at conferences and seminars at various higher education and scientific institutions, about 15 Books/Books chapters and monographs in Serbian and/or English. Assignment and professional activities: Quality Assurance Expert (CUBRIK Expert Database). Member of the Board for Accreditation of Scientific Research Organizations of Republic Serbia. Member of the Expert Team for Drafting a Unified National Qualifications Framework for all levels of education in the Republic of Serbia. Member of the Working Group for the development of the Education Strategy 2021-2027, in the field of higher education in the Republic of Serbia. Expert of the Ministry for Science, Technologies and Development of Republic Serbia for Industrial Processing of Structural, Functional and Nano Materials. Prof. Nikolić was an active member of different TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS and ERASMUS+ project teams at the University of Niš (MILETUS, NETCHEM, NatRisk, IF4TM, Re@WBC, BAEKTEL, GREEN, SIGMA Agile, FUSE, SHESPSS, SIPUS, WIMB, etc.).


Staniša Perić, trainer/teacher

PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering since 2018, has more than 10 years of experience in teaching a significant number of different academic courses on all three study levels. He is author and co-author of more than 80 scientific papers in refereed journals and at international/national conferences. He was a member of organization and scientific committees of several international conferences (IF4TM, SAUM 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018). He worked as a reviewer for many well-known international scientific journals with IMPACT factor (IEEE ASME Mechatronics, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics, etc.) and Technical Editor of scientific journal Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics. His current research interests include artificial intelligence, neural network, machine learning, big data, genetic algorithms, mechatronics, and control theory in general. As a coordinator and a team member, he participated in numerous domestic and international projects mainly financed by European funds (BEOPEN, IF4TM, NORBAS, ADRIA-HUB, etc.).


Aleksandar Miltenović, trainer/teacher

PhD, Associate Professor at the University of Nis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering since 2020, has more than 10 years of experience in teaching and research experience in product development, mechanical design and computer aided design. Author of more than 100 papers out of which 17 were published in international journals with impact factor. He received his PhD in 2011 at Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany. He is a member of Department for mechanical design, development and engineering. His basic interests are theory of Mechanical design and product development as well as power transmission. Since 2020, he is president of organizational committee of RAILCON-International scientific-expert conference for railway. He is a reviewer of many international journals and conferences. He was involved in many national and international projects especially from the field of mechanical design. His current research interest targets application of mechanical design and product development, especially in the field of railway industry. He is Section Editor at Facta Universitatis Mechanical Engineering published by University of Nis. He was involved in realization of HORIZON 2020 railway projects: SMART - Smart automation of rail transport (2016-2019) as well as currently at SMART2 - Advanced integrated obstacle and track intrusion detection system for smart automation of rail transport (2019 – 2022). He is also currently involved in control architecture development of RoboShepherd system during realization of the ongoing project funded by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia (Collaborative Grant) in the field of animal grazing robotics. He is a board member of two regional journals (Machine Design and Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara) and reviewer for numerous journals and conferences. Currently, he is a member of ADEKO – Association for design, elements and constructions.


Milan Banić, trainer/teacher PhD, Associate Professor at the University of Nis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering since 2020, has more than 10 years of experience in teaching and research in virtual product development, industrial product development and machine design. He is the author or coauthor of more than 150 scientific and professional papers (15 in ISI indexed journals) and one patent. During his career he finished several study specializations: in field of industrial product development at Institute of Product Development of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, innovations management and lightweight design at Hector School of Engineering and Management and visual robotics at Institute of Automation of University of Bremen. Since 2005, he has also taken part in more than 25 scientific and professional projects funded by Serbian government, industry and European Commission. Currently, he is lead engineer of hardware development for two projects: RoboShepherd funded by Innovation Fund of Republic of Serbia (Collaborative Grant) in field of animal grazing robotics and SMART 2 in the frame of Horizon 2020 (Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking) in field of obstacle detection for autonomous trains. Previously, he was lead engineer of hardware development of obstacle detection demonstrator for project SMART, funded in the frame of Horizon 2020 (Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking). Since 2017, he is a Head of Technology Transfer Center of University of Niš. He is a board member of one regional journal - Machine Design and member of.
Miroslav Milovanović, trainer/teacher

Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering since 2020, has more than eight years of experience in teaching and research experience in control systems, artificial intelligence, and data science. He is the author or co-author of more than 35 scientific papers in refereed journals and international/national conferences. Ten were published in international journals with impact factors. He was a reviewer for at least five international scientific journals. He has participated in several projects, among which are: ADRIA-HUB (Bridge technical differences and social suspicions contributing to transform the Adriatic area in a stable hub for a sustainable technological development), BE-OPEN (Boosting Engagement of Serbian Universities in Open Science), 2017-2020, and MILETUS (Students’ Mobility Capacity Building in Higher Education in Ukraine and Serbia), 2016-2019. He is an active member of the organizational committee of the international conference on Systems, Automatic Control, and Measurements (SAUM). He participated in Erasmus+ teaching mobility at the Malta College of Arts Science and Technology MCAST, Malta, during 11/03/2019 – 15/03/2019. His current research interests include artificial intelligence, data science, intelligent control, and system and process control.


Miodrag Spasić, trainer/teacher

PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering. More than 10 years of experience in lecturing and research in the control system area, especially in model predictive control, sliding mode control, and artificial neural networks. More than 40 papers are published in relevant international journals and conferences, out of which 10 in SCI/SCIe journals. He participated in several national projects and three Erasmus+ projects; Erasmus+ CBHE program: E-VIVA (Enhancing and Validating service-related competencies in Versatile learning environments in Western Balkan Universities, 598307-EPP-1-2018-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), IF4TM (Institutional framework for development of the third mission of universities in Serbia, 561655-EPP-1-2015-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), and Erasmus+ KA2 program: PESHES (Development and implementation of system for performance evaluation for Serbian HEIs and system). He also participated in project NORBAS (Norwegian, Bosnian and Serbian cooperation platform for university and industry in ICT R&D) that the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs supported under the program for Higher Education, Research and Development (HERD). As a result of this project, he got a PhD degree at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is also a member of two national associations: ETRAN (Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automatic Control, and Nuclear Engineering) and SAUM (Association of Serbia for Systems, Automatic Control, and Measurements), and a member of the Organizing committee of international SAUM conference since 2010.


Dragana Dimitrijević Jovanović Researcher at Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Niš with research tasks in the field of modelling, green architecture, energy efficiency, environment, and sustainable development. Promotes synergy of architecture and nature and the role of architecture in shaping the environment. She has published more than 35 papers in various peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. Was an active participant in the national project under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia, III 42008 Evaluation of Energy Performances and Indoor Environment Quality of Educational Buildings in Serbia with Impact to Health. Engaged in teaching during doctoral studies in subjects: Engineering Graphics, Measurement Techniques, Systems for Measurement, Control and Management, Modelling of Engineering Systems, Renewable Energy Sources, at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš. She was a member of the organizing committee of the International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia – SIMTERM 2019.